Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weeks three and four: frenzies

Well, due to weather I couldn't update two weeks ago, and last week everyone at my mom's house was grounded from the internets. So here's a rawther long post for the last two weeks.
We finally got the internet turned off at the house, and I thought it'd be nothing. Instead, I found that I wanted to use the 'net more than ever. I am constantly thinking about logging on. Oh well, I guess. So it goes. So I had to find other things to do.
One of the main things has been this frenzy of cleaning. I have scrubbed out the fridge, wiped down the cabinets, wiped out the cobwebs from around the ceilings, swept, mopped, vacuumed, cleaned mirrors, and on and on and on. Until Tuesday, that is.
Because on Monday night/Tuesday morning, Dunc came down with the flu. He woke us all up puking at about two in the morning. All over the bed. All over himself. All over me. Which then woke Riley. I knew we had no hope of getting the kids back to sleep, so I took them both back downstairs and re-built the nest. Dunc spent the rest of the night puking about every hour, which meant that I got no sleep. And then Dave couldn't stay home from work on Tuesday, so I got to struggle through. I know I have spent many days awake before, but never as a parent. And never sober. The best puke? The one where Riley had just shot shit all the way up to her shoulderblades, I had just finished putting a diaper on her, and then Dunc stood up and puked all overhimself in his toy corner. So I had a sleeper full of shit sitting on the coffee table, a bucket with half the puke in it, and two crying children. Fun.
I'm having a hard time remembering the past two weeks. Dunc is at home with his daddy, but my niece Ari is the same age and she does.not.stop.talking. Also my nephew Zain (aka Ralphie) is teething. I am repeatedly explaining that Riley eats booby-milk, that I have milk in my boobies, that Ari does not have milk in her boobies, that grandma does not have milk in her boobies, that no, she may not see my boobies right now. It's super cute, but also super annoying.
For those who care, I had an all right birthday. I'm sort of in denial, I don't want to be 28. I know it's not old, but I didn't ever really believe it'd come. Dave and I had my mom come over and keep the kids for an hour so we could go to Kasai and I could gorge on sushi. And tempura cheesecake. On my acutal birthday we came over here and had cake and icecream and crazy family time. My sis is staying here and she's doing great. She's lookin great, her kids are awesome, you know, it's just how it is.
I can't remember anything else I wanted to talk about, of course. I'm going to have to write more stuff down during the week. This improvisation stuff just ain't working right now. There's too many distractions.
So that is all, for now.

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