Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Week two: Stay in the Nest!

It's been a long, rough week. My cold came back like a ton of bricks, like a freight train, like . . . pick your metaphor. There's this lovely and enjoyable feeling that someone is jabbing an icepick up my nostrils. Sinuses are so full that my eyes are watering and I'm pretty sure that my eyeballs are being squeezed out of my head.
So we all stayed in the collection of pillows, cushions, and blankets in the living room floor that we call the nest. I battled valiantly against my escapist tendencies, but lost miserably due to my foolish decision to re-read the Harry Potter series. But seriously, I could do with some of Madam Pomfrey's Pepperup Potion, smoking at the ears and all. It'd be worth it, if I could feel better instantly.
We finally got the internet turned off. This morning. Yeah. So I did get on the 'net on Saturday after my three-hour shift at work. I was sick, but it was something like negative 15 degrees, so the few customers I did have came in late enough that I was extremely over-caffinated. I was more than able to provide my special brand of hyperactive personalized customer service. I had to have something to do while I nursed Riley to sleep, so I hopped online and updated my Travian account. Fun.
I also have to admit that I accessed teh interwebz on Tuesday. I had to try to find President (!!woot!!) Obama's Inauguration Speech. It happened at naptime, so Dunc was using his last burst of energy to drive me effing crazy. I have to admit that I spent most of Tuesday horribly worried that some nutjob was going to try to do something horrid. So thank all the gods that may or may not be, nothing happened.
In family news, Dunc's in this heartbreaking "Do you like me?" phase. I'm pretty sure it's developmentally appropriate, but it's crushing everytime he says it. My reply is "OF COURSE I like you, I like you so much that I love you." And of course explaining that I don't like what just happened if I happened to be yelling.
Riley's got TWO teeth! Holy crap! So I guess this ends my career as a teething toy. I can't stand to have her chewing my chin when she's got these sharp chompers to use. She doesn't quite get it.
I'd intended this to be more amusing, but I'm at my mom's house, Riley's going crazy, and it's time for dinner. And I'm mighty hongry. So the end. Ha.

1 comment:

  1. We are STILL in the "do you like me" phase! UGH!! We go through all the things that could possibly make us NOT like a person: crime, hitting, getting a thousand time-outs, disobeying, wetting pants, shooting somebody... and then we say even if you did ALL these things, we'd still love you forever and always. It's annoying but the children seem to enjoy it.

    I am tempted to reread the HP series too but I'm afraid I'd never leave my bed to do anything around the house except fix myself more tea.
